Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Morning Moments

[Ex 15:24] And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
The people were bickering, complaining, murmuring. The test for the multitude was also a test for the man of God. He never claimed to be adequate. In fact he was even reluctant to be available in the beginning, but the Lord taught him that He would supply, sustain, satisfy, and support him. The promise of God demands the provision, power, protection, and presence of God whether or not it seems reasonable, rational, or realistic.

There is a buzz going on; a couple over in the corner, a few friends over for coffee, some guys at the coffee shop, all talking about what’s wrong at the church. “The pastor… bro so and so… sister somebody…” always murmuring and finding fault. Sadly, this is characteristic of far too many churches.

IT DOES NOT PLEASE GOD!!!!!!!!!!! If there is a moral problem, then deal with it. If there is a doctrinal problem correct it, but for GOD’S sake do it the right way without murmuring and disputing. Do it in love, and do it in the light. If you have a problem with someone or with something someone has said or done, go to them and settle it between the two of you. If a Biblical principle has been violated you may need to rebuke, reprove, or exhort, but you MUST do in as a spiritual believer according to the Word of God with longsuffering and doctrine.

God told Moses that the people were now murmuring about him (Moses), and about God and that is exactly what murmuring and complain is! If you can’t encourage, don’t discourage. Who died and left you God? Matters of opinion and simply that – matters of opinion; matters of preference are just that – matters of preference, and none of those things are worth hurting the body of Christ. So do it God’s way or don’t know it!

Woe be unto you pastors who divide and destroy my sheep! The same is true of any church member. You may have the privilege of speaking up, but you DO NOT have the right to stir up strife. SELAH!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true and personally convicting thank you