Friday, February 5, 2010

Morning Moments

With all your soul!

Col. 3:23
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

This weekend millions will be watching an event happening in Miami, Florida. It is the Super Bowl, and sports fans from around the world will give it their undivided attention. Most will not be passive in their mind and emotions about who will win. I can just imagine the television spectators jumping and screaming at some critical moment in the game. We call them FANS!

Our text says something about how we Christians are to live our lives on a normal, regular basis. We are not mere spectators nor are we mere fans. We are participants in the very LIFE OF GOD, so what we do we are to do enthusiastically. Can you imagine the power that would come from the pulpits if preachers did not have to face “fans” sleeping, reading, or thinking about other things besides the Word from God?

Can you imagine the response of our employers if we worked our jobs with the lack of enthusiasm with which we live our Christian lives? What is wrong with us people? Why is it that so few who profess faith in Christ live enthusiastically? Why do we not put heart and soul, mind and emotions into everything we do? Those who do are criticized as being “fanatics”, “hyper”, or “too religious”. The sad thing is that criticism is not coming from the world, but from other so called “Christians”.

If the attitude that prevails among “church people” prevailed on a ball team, one would be called a “slacker”, a “loafer”, or something worse and would be kicked off the team. Do you think for one minute that either of the teams playing in the Super Bowl would ever have gotten to the Super Bowl by slothfulness, or laziness? DUH! Give me a break! Either get in the game or get out, but don’t hurt the whole team by your indifference and lack of ENTHUSIASM.

WHATEVER you do, do it ENTHUSIASICTICLY, as if you were doing it for Jesus, BECAUSE YOU ARE whether you realize it or not. If we think for one minute that we will NOT answer to Him for our LACK of enthusiasm, we will be sadly mistaken.

Give it up! Get a LIFE! Then live that life with enthusiasm in everything you do because you are doing it for JESUS and not for you, your family, your church, or your employer. Be ENTHUSIASTIC and it will rub off on those around you, and just maybe they will get the idea of the Christian LIFE.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again... I actually do NOT know who is playing in the super-bowl.... AND I DON'T CARE !! But I love the Lord....