Saturday, November 14, 2009

Morning Moments

The Almighty God

Romans 8:28 tells us that "all things work together for good to them who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Now what does that really mean? It means that as the Almighty God, Supreme in Power and Authority, He is actively involved in working out every circumstance in my life for my good and for His glory.

I know that there are those who have really messed up in some way or another and you wonder it your life could ever count for God again.

Well, my friend, I am the bearer of Good News. The God of the Bible is precisely Who He says He is, and He is indeed the Almighty One, Supreme over your circumstances. You can't blame Him for your failure, but you can trust Him to use it to build character in your life.

Let's suppose you lost you job today. Why did you lose it? If you were not a good employee, allow God use that to teach you to be what you should be. If your position was discontinued, and it wasn't your fault, you were simply a victim of circumstance. What if your plant is closing. We can trust God Who is Almighty and Supreme over all to open another door of opportunity for us.

Several years ago, my mother developed Alzheirmers disease. I knew that the church I was pastoring could not afford to pay me enough to cover the additional expenses we incurred. I sincerely prayed that God would guide me through that difficulty. A man called one day and asked if I would be interested in working with fellow ministers in estate planning. It was God's way of making a way. He vindicated His Power and Supremacy over my situation.

It has always been our custom to ask God to give us a promise from His Word regarding His leadership in our lives. I study the Scripture systematically, so as not to hunt for answers, but allow God Who knows ahead what I will need to give me the answer through my study flow.

Time and time again, through the years, we have received confirmation of what God was doing in our lives from His Word, and sometimes even got it in advance, so that when it came we could say, "God gave us that the other day in our time with Him." That's the way of the Almighty.


1 comment:

Garnet said...

"I study the Scripture systematically, so as not to hunt for answers, but allow God Who knows ahead what I will need to give me the answer through my study flow."

I like how you put that. It's exactly why I study Scripture.