Sunday, May 17, 2009

Morning Moments

[1Ti 2:9] In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

We have looked at the type of apparel she should wear – it should be modest. Our text goes on to say that she should dress modestly with “shamefacedness” which implies reverence for the good as good, not merely as that to which honor and reputation are attached. The idea is of one who is embarrassed at what is not good. I know styles change and I am not suggesting that women dress like some old granny, but I am suggesting that we be careful to demonstrate our beliefs and not our body. Some men have the idea that if you show it you will share it. BE CAREFUL how you dress when you attend church. When dads make over some fleshy model on TV, daughters often get the idea that is what pleases all men and they try to gain male attention by dressing provocatively.

So this woman understands that her apparel is to demonstrate her respect for herself, others, and most importantly, God. This principle is of utmost important for women because men are attracted to what they see and women attracted to what they hear. That is why you will find a smooth talking man with a beautiful woman; he likes what he sees and she likes what he says.

Again, let me remind you that this verse deals with the principle of modesty. In other words, we are to flaunt our faith and not our flesh. So let us now consider the rest of the verse.

The word “sobriety” means to demonstrate sound mind, sanity, temperance, sober-mindedness, moderation of desires, passions, or conduct. I could not tell you those “church people” I have known who were influence by alcohol and drugs which lead to a stimulation of fleshy tolerance and life. Such should not be the case, for it is contrary to sound teaching.
“Broided hair, gold, pearls, or costly array” may seem a little silly and custom driven, but let’s consider for a moment the many times we might have heard something like, “I don’t have ‘church clothes’” when seeking to reach those who cannot afford “suitable” church attire.

I know we live in a time when “anything” goes with church apparel, and to some extent that is okay, but we have honestly taken this to the extreme. Bill Gothard use to say, “What parents do in moderation, children do in excess.” There is some truth to that. I have certainly been in situations where I was not properly attired and was a bit embarrassed by it. The idea works both ways. Kids don’t wear jeans to their prom; they would be out of place. I think you get the idea.

BOTTOM LINE: Ladies, dress in a way that brings honor to your Father in heaven and father and mother on earth. In other words, USE YOUR HEAD AND YOUR HEART and not your body in your choice of apparel and appearance. We must all learn to say politely and respectfully, “That is not appropriate.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

....yes - the cleavage & breasts that have become 'normal'... is very dangerous.. deal with the truth...