Friday, December 26, 2008

Morning Moments

There is so much to contemplate about and following the birth of Jesus. It is essential that we remember He had to be cared for just as any other baby. We have no idea how long He remained in the manger. Did the innkeeper have a vacancy and take them in after the birth? Surely He cried as any other baby cries. Sometimes we sacrifice His humanity for His deity, but we should not do that. He was God in that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, but He was just as much "human" as we are with one exception; He was without a sin nature. Paul tells us that he "set aside" the prerogatives of deity to surrender His humanity to the Father.

But what does that really mean? Paul said in Romans that "in Adam" or all in Adam die. That death is the same for us as it was for Adam - spiritual death, because "death passed upon all...for all have sinned." That is important because the fallen Adamic nature is not passed from mother to child, but from father to child, and everyone of us has to have a biological father. Two men cannot have a child, neither can two women, for that is NOT the "natural" use of the body.

Marriage was instituted by God for procreation and pleasure. If you only desire is to procreate or have pleasure, you miss the point of God's natural use of the body, and thereby MOCK God. That is why the Word of God CONDEMNS adultery, fornication, and any form of sexual perversion.

Christ HAD to be without human father so He would not have a sinful nature. Now don't misunderstand this; for women also have a sinful nature but they also have a biological father. That is how Jesus could be completely human and completely divine.

Just so you know where I am coming from, any sexual experience apart from marriage between a male and a female human being is CONDEMNED by God. I don't care what society accepts or rejects, God rejects it. END OF STORY! The only word God has for those who mock His plan is "REPENT". The archenemy is the devil and our warfare is not against flesh and blood. It is Satan himself who seeks to counterfeit and mock was God has planned.

After all, the picture in the New Testament of our relationship with Jesus Christ is that of marriage between a man and a woman. NO person living a lifestyle of immorality is saved according the the Word of God. This whole devilish approach to bypassing marriage between man and woman, and having babies without intercourse between man and woman is condemned by God. The only exception is adoption.

PRAYER: Father help us to discern TRUTH despite the influence of trend. Help us to see that your love for us transcends our sinful lives, but that you only save the sinners. There is no lasting pleasure without pardon and no change without conversion and no redemption without genuine repentance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one sentence you wrote..."NO person living a life-style of immorality is saved..." seems to be a bit of a stretch... with the mystery of GRACE & FORGIVENESS mixed with God's ways. Are not many people "living in sin" still saved but without joy or victory ??