Friday, January 2, 2015

MORNING MOMENTS by Dr. Austin L. Phillips

TEXT:  Luke 19:29-36; Exodus 24:20


A life for a life!  That is what God requires.  Life is not cheap and the value of it is seen in the Savior's willingness to give His for your and mine.

Jesus rode in triumph into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass>  Why such an animal as this when He could have ridden a white steed, or come in a chariot as a noble prince?  Why not a camel?  There are several reasons of course, and it would do us well to consider a few of them.

One reason was that His Kingdom is not of this world and He paid no heed to this world's ideas of pomp and circumstance.  We think of the stately horse drawn carriage in the death of JFK or the pomp of a royal wedding.  BUT when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords entered Jerusalem, the Holy City, He rode a colt of a jack ass that had never been broken.

TRANSFORMATION:  When you and I see the truths behind this Scripture, we discover the humility of the Savior, which should be an example for our lives.  God tells us to "humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God..."

As we begin this New Year let us as true believer put death to our stinking pride and humble ourselves, submitting to one another in love and  esteeming the other BETTER than ourselves.

(to be continued)

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