Thursday, January 31, 2013

Morning Moments

"Just Claim Your Healing"

Those were the words a doctor friend's wife said to me when I asked them to pray for me before my cancer surgery.  I did not say what I wanted to say because I am a gentleman and a Christian, but I will be honest with you, that kind of childish, non-Biblical, phraseology just irritates the stew out of me.  I wonder where people come up with some of these "super spiritual" sounding phrases.  It is certainly not from the Bible.  I also thought, "Do you have a sign on your husband's office that says, 'No need for the doctor, just claim your healing?;"  We have many such "supersaint spiritual" phrases in Christianity today for which we have absolutely no Biblical basis.  NOW BEFORE YOU TURN ME OFF...

Think about it!

1)  We live in a body of flesh, just like any other human being, which Paul said is "perishing", but the inward man can be renewed day by day.
2)  We breathe the same air, drink the same water, and eat the same food from an earth that is under a curse.
3)  Most of what we eat and drink has been processed in some way - pasteurized, homogenized, purified, classified, and who knows what other "cized".
4)  If our New Body will not be subject to sin, suffering, sorrow, or sadness, it implies that our old body will.
5)  Paul left Trophimus sick at Miletum - 2 Tim 4:20 - Why is there no mention of his lack of faith, claiming his healing, demonic activity?  Because he was SICK, just like any other Christian can get sick
6) In 1 Tim 5:23 Paul told Timothy to drink "no longer water, but wine for his stomach's sak and his often infirmities." No mention of lack of faith, claiming healing, demonic activity.  OFTEN INFIRMITES.
7)  In Phil 2:25 Paul, when speaking of the blessing Epaphroditus was to his ministry, and to the Philippian Church wrote that he (Epaphroditus) was "sick nigh unto death, but the Lord had mercy upon him."  No mention of his lack of faith, no claiming his healing, no demonic activity.
8)  What about Paul's own infirmity - vision problem to such an extent that when he did write it had to be with large letters (not lengthy ones).

and on and on!

I just get so weary of the fact that so many Christians cannot and will not STUDY for THEMSELVES, but will suck at the teat of someone else who has "pat phrases" and "pat terminology" and buys hook, line, and sinker what someone says, JUST BECAUSE HE/SHE has a large church or a growing ministry, TV, radio, internet or whatever.  WE PASTOR/TEACHERS have failed to train Christians to be "noble Bereans" who did not merely take Paul at his word, but who "search the Scriptures daily" to make sure that what he was saying was true.

Many mean well, but MISLEAD!


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