Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Morning Moments

I find myself almost overwhelmed with a major project I have chosen to do which is almost consuming my life - I have decided to integrate 47 years of work into a single volume.  YEP!  Here is what I am doing:

Using a chronological Bible outline, I am either filling in or hypertexting to either my Word files or my Pages files.  In other words, every time I preach or teach, it will be added to my basic Bible outline so that all the information, notes, exegesis, etc, is all within the context of my chronological outline.  WHAT A MONUMENTAL TASK!  I hardly have time for anything else, but I am almost driven to do it.

I sometimes wish I could start my own private Bible School with a handful of men and women who are willing to think out of the box, deal with common pre-suppositions, and truly study the Bible in a different and unique way.  We miss so much, for example, by not seeing how the books of Moses, or Samuel, the Kings, and the Chronicles, etc, fit together and how events seen chronologically make so much more sense.

I remember years ago when I was pastor in Central Florida meeting and becoming friends with Ed Reece.  Ed's daughter was a member of the church I pastored there.  Ed, as far as I know published the first Chronological Bible.  I was intrigued by his work.  He gave me some personal notes that I have used through the years.

This INCREDIBLE BOOK, THE BIBLE, draws me as nothing else has ever drawn me.  I desire His Word more than my daily food, and I do enjoy food.  In all these years of diligent study, I find myself as one might in a swimming pool, as I have grown going from the wading pool to the shallow, then into deeper water, etc.  I honestly believe that I could shut myself up as a recluse, and be alone with God and His Word, for the rest of my life.  I realize the impossibility of that, but I am simply taking today to share the burden and desire of my heart and to ask for prayer regarding this project.  Thank you!

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