Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Morning Moments

"You are CARNAL..."

I am troubled about the superficiality of spirituality of our day where people say that lead are "filled" with or "lead" by the Holy Spirit of God at the expense of the Word of God and the Body of Jesus Christ.  I know HOW it happens, but with all our resources to THE REVELATION which came by INSPIRATION, and is ours by PRESERVATION, it mystifies me WHY we continue to do it.

For all the years of my ministry, I have loved and respected those who differ with me or minor issues of Bible Doctrine.  We do have the right to disagree, but we do not have the right to DIVIDE the Body.  Yet, some pastors today are splinting churches in their own denominations over minor teachings and it hurting the Body.

Some Baptists, who once Battled over the Bible (and rightly so), now battle over SPURGEON'S interpretation of some things.  It is fine to believe in "Reform Theology" for example, but when you start splitting a church over it, YOU ARE OUT OF LINE, I don't give a rip how right or how spiritual YOU think you are!  It is the same with ANY minor doctrine of the Christian Faith.

The Apostles Doctrine had nothing to do with such things as those which divide us today.  In the next couple of days, I would like to reflect upon these things.  Don't have time today because I am involved in travel and a family funeral...PRAY!

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