Monday, September 28, 2009

Morning Moments

2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

The word perilous means hard to bear, fierce, harsh, savage.

Yesterday, on the way to church a van flew around us, probably at a speed of 80 mph. It swayed and looked as though it would tip over. It was chasing a small car which was force to pull over. In the small care were a young boy and girl. A guy jumped out of the van, pulled to two out and began beating them. My wife was driving so I told her to pull over, but she refused for fear of our being hurt. She said, “Call 911”. I did but insisted that she pull over.

I jumped out of our car and began running to help. I shouted, “In the name of Jesus, STOP!” The guy who had pulled the small care over jumped back in the van and took off. In my brief conversation with the 911 operator, she began asking details. The operator could hear me telling my wife to stop and could also hear her reluctance. She (the operator said she was sending the police and for me not to get involved. I said, “There is no time for all that” and I hung up abruptly.

The police operator called back to my cell phone and assured me that police were on their way, but she needed more information. I said, “I do not have more information. I saw it happening and stopped on my way to church to help”. I apologized for being so abrupt, but explained that I was going to do something to stop this regardless.

The adrenaline was pumping and my wise wife who remained in our car at a safe distance, later said, “You could have been shot or stabbed,” but that thought never entered my mind.

I know it may sound foolish to those who do not take risks, but I have no fear of that and have taken risks all my life, so sometimes need plays a more important part that safety. Whether that is good or bad I do not know. All I know is that the Lord is my shield and buckler; my guide and my guardian, and if he has ALL authority in heaven and EARTH.

In these “perilous” times, we have a choice: We can stay inside in safety as the Proverbs say about the man who would not go outside for fear of a lion, or we can face fear unafraid and take the risk of danger with a strong confidence that if Jesus is able to save us, He is also able to KEEP us.

There are too many accounts of people who walk by a hurting and dying man on their way to someplace without caring. Now doesn’t that sound to you like the priest and the Levite in the story of the “Good Samaritan?

I know there are violent people in these perilous times, but we MUST live in a world that is out of control realizing that we, as believers, are under the control (providentially and personally) of THE LIVING GOD.

One more thing: Did you see the report of the elderly lady in whose auto a man jumped to rob her? She said to him, “Kill me if you must, but you are not getting a dime from me. If I die I will go to be with Jesus, but if you die you will go to hell.” Then she led the guy to Jesus. HALLELUJAH! Maybe it matters to some of you younger folks, but it doesn’t to those of us who would rather die with “JESUS” on our lips than fear in our hearts.

By the way, for you H.I.M. supporters, THIS is precisely what sends Fred Kornis and other of us to such dangerous parts of the world. We need to practice here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness you sure lead us to examine ourselves and what we might do in the same situation. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that ALL things are possible to those who LOVE the LORD!
Praise to the Father for keeping you safe in his care!!
