Thursday, April 30, 2009

Morning Moments

Some of the most cherished possessions I have are letters from my dad,, who went to be with the Lord in 1981. There were times when I was 3000 miles away that he would send special notes of encouragement to me. At other times, when I was young and foolish he would lecture a bit because he knew I needed it. He always wanted me to know he loved me and was praying for me.

There was another man in my life who did not write me letters, but who helped me place the letters from my Heavenly Father into my heart. His name was Bob Stephenson. We had a lot in common though he was much older. We had both been professional musicians before our conversion to Christ. He too has gone to be with Jesus.

Now I am the "old man", the teacher, the father, the leader, and it is my turn to do for others what these two men of God did for me. That is how it works, teaching others to teach others.

With that in mind, I would like to begin a journey with you through one of Paul's letters to young Timothy. This will take some time, but we will look at every verse in 1 Timothy together and put into practice some of the thinngs we have discussed recently about Bible study. I honestly believe you will be blessed and will, with me discover some wonderful new light on old truths.

Young Timothy had the responsibility of shepherding the flock of God at Ephesus. Paul charges, challenges, commends, and comfrots Timothy in his work. As a minister of the Gospel, there are things we must guard, things we must give, and those we must guide into a deeper walk with Jesus.

The words of Paul are those of affirmation, admonition, appreciation, and application. As we study, we learn that we must be fervent in teaching, fiery in preaching, and faithful in reaching others for Christ. First Timothy gives us great insigt into the heart of a godly spiritual father regarding a godly spiritual son and the care for godly spiritual saints.

Pastors are gifts from God to the Church, with the awesome responsibility of caring for the souls of men for the Son of God. Their primary ministry is not to visit, and coddle; not to be a nursing home administrator; not to be an evangelist, although they may do all of the above. Their primary mission in ministry is to "equip the saints, so that the saints can do te work of the ministry."

With these things in mind, we will travel together into the heart of an apostle to the heart of a pastor and his responsibilities. This truth is undeniable, un-denominational, and understood only by the anointing of God. We will see what we have done wrong and can change, as well as what we have done right and why God has blessed it.

So PRAY - for me and for you - that we might let the Spirit guide us into all truth.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alrigth Brother - Let's go!!